Holy Mackerel!

This is how our surfer "boy" Jammie (aka Kaleidoscope) and his girlfriend Scylla (aka Sam) spend their vacations. Well, it's a bit more complicated than it seems, but let them have a good time and some freedom.

When not enjoying his free time with his dragon girl, Jammie works as a professional private trainer and runs the shadows whenever necessary. As one of Chen's many alter egos, Jammie is probably the most complicated one. Having a fun-loving and extremely dominant Casanova personality and an enormous self-esteem, it is difficult even for Chen to play this alter ego for long periods of time...

Meanwhile, Sam tends to stay in her lair, tinkering with fancy technology and magic, and keeping an awful lot of Shadowrunners busy to fulfill her special requests... Besides, she does not really care about hiding her true nature! When the opportunity presents itself... SNAP!

Well, that's Jammies Sam :)
